Friday 12 December 2014

20 Times You Should Use Kate Middleton's Sassy Eye-Rolling GIF

Kate Middleton, Eye Roll

I got This From E!Online thought it was funny and  decided to share

1. When someone drones on and on about Serial for the eighteenth time and how you "totally must" listen to it:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

2. When you as a Serial fan are trying to get your friend to listen to it and they say they don't want to because they "don't get podcasts":

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

3. When the video your friend sent you has an annoying 30 second ad before it:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

4. When someone you went to high school with posts yet another photo of their baby in a Santa hat on Facebook:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

5. When the price of shipping is almost the same price as all the clothing you bought online:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

6. When Pandora asks if you are still listening and/or Netflix asks if you are still watching:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

7. When your ex invites you to his/her improv show:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

8. When the perfectly constructed and witty tweet you wrote is 142 characters:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

9. When someone tells you that reading Young Adult books doesn't count as "real reading":

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

10. When your friend says they hate the TV couple you ship harder than anything else on this planet:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

RELATED: 19 Bridesmaids GIFs that perfectly apply to your life situations

11. When someone hates on the term "feminist":

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

12. When a fashion blog insists that leggings aren't pants:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

13. Or, depending on your viewpoint, when a fashion blog insists that leggings are pants:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

14. When your friends judge you for wanting to stay in on Friday night to watch Chopped reruns:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

15. When you take an online personality quiz and your results say your spirit cheese is gouda when your spirit cheese is obviously parmesan:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

16. Whenever you encounter a troll who is writing mean comments just to stir the pot:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

17. When someone Instagrams a pretty selfie and uses the hashtag #wokeuplikethis when obviously they woke up, put on some makeup, did their hair and then took the photo:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

18. When someone Instagrams a perfect selfie with the hashtag #wokeuplikethis and they are so pretty you honestly believe them:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

19. When the picky person you get for office secret santa says they don't know what they want for Christmas:

Kate Middleton Shade GIFYouTube

20. When someone says GIFs are stupid:

Kate Middleton Shade GIF (Slow)YouTube

That's when you have to use the slow-mo shade-throwing GIF because how dare they