Friday 19 December 2014

Confessions of A Millionaires Mistress-How Ava Reilly found herself living the As 'the other woman'

If You Love A Good True Life Story ..You Will love this!!

Ava Reilly has captured the attention of thousands of readers around the world, divulging her darkest secrets under a pen name in her blog Confessions of a Millionaire's Mistress

The true story of an ordinary young woman plunged into the heady world of wealth and glamour through a passionate, irresistible affair with a charismatic millionaire.
'The morning after meeting Hugh, I was heading out the door when I saw I had a new message. I opened it cautiously and saw six words that made my heart skip a beat.
I need to see you again

Ava Reilly has captured the attention of thousands of readers around the world, divulging her darkest secrets under a pen name in her blog Confessions of a Millionaire's Mistress.

The anonymity allows her to be candid and raw, revealing intimate details of her experience as 'the other woman'- a position she had never imagined being in.

Starting out as a young PR agent in the Australian media scene, Ava has described herself as 'naive and innocent', and perhaps too willing to believe what the man she loved was telling her

'I posted my first confession last year when the affair was still very raw,'It was like talking into a mirror, it was therapeutic, but I never expected so many people to respond to it,' she said.'There are all these people who have been in the same situation that I was in, men and women all over the world.''I was able to be real, honest, and raw, someone people can relate to.'

Ava was just out of high school, learning the ropes of the PR industry, and eager to prove herself.'When I first entered the industry I was very naive but I knew two things: I had to keep my wits about me, and the first right impression could really give me the foot in the door,' she wrote.After being given a tip-off by a friend about a high-profile businessman who needed PR assistance on an upcoming project, Ava contacted the man who would soon enter her life in a way she had never anticipated.'I knew I was onto something huge- I could feel it in the depths of my soul- but little did I know how significant this was going to become both professionally and personally.'

The anonymity allows her to be candid and raw, revealing intimate details of her experience as 'the other woman'- a position she had never imagined being in

'My life was about to turn upside down and there was nothing I could do to stop it.'Ava began writing down her life in the form of her 'Confessions', which has now been turned into a book which details 'the rollercoaster highs and lows' of her relationship with very successful, but very married Hugh Montgomery.

Drawn into a glittering life of parties, jewellery, expensive dinners, Ava quickly fell for Hugh, despite resisting his advances for weeks. She said that it took her a long time to let him in, to truly trust him, because she had been broken by so many men in her life.'I have very few memories of my early childhood...there are many more that shaped the fear of intimacy I still experience.'

Finding out that Hugh, a name she uses 'to respect the privacy of his family', was not entirely truthful with her, was devastating.Hugh had told her that he was separated from his wife, and constantly denied any suggestion that he was still involved with her.'I knew I was onto something huge- I could feel it in the depths of my soul- but little did I know how significant this was going to become both professionally and personally'

'I knew in my heart and very deep down that this wasn't true, but I didn't want to believe it, despite so many warning signs,' she said. 'When I was writing my blog I was struggling with myself morally, because although he'd plainly said he'd been separated I had a feeling in my gut it wasn't true,' Ava said.

Drawn deeper into the relationship, and throwing herself into her soaring career in PR, Ava blocked out what she suspected about Hugh and  Ava said that by the time she confronted him, she was in too deep, and returned even though she knew it made her 'the mistress'. 'Anything before I knew was not my fault, but anything after that I needed to confess,' she said, explaining how the title of her blog, and now book, came into being.

Feeling the weight of her conscience, Ava took to writing to soothe her, launching her very public journal to connect with others and explain her actions.'I haven’t seen a book out there about this topic which wasn't The Scarlet Letter,' 'When I started confessing I wasn't aware of the real situation, and now I'm putting my hand up,' she said.

Feeling the weight of her conscience, Ava took to writing to soothe her, launching her very public journal to connect with others and explain her actions

'I don't recommend getting into something like this, especially given the heartache and torture involved.'

Ava said that the only way for her to move forward was for her to accept what she had done and move on.

Keeping his name out of the spotlight was important for her because 'his wife still doesn't know, and I don’t want him or his family to get hurt,' Ava said.

'I will always love him, but some people are very innocent of the whole situation'.

And who is Hugh?

'If I told you his name, you wouldn't believe me,' she said.

For Ava, her whole experience has been an incredibly painful one, which has taught her a lot about herself and the way she wants to approach her life.

'Do whatever makes you happy do it, but don’t hurt anyone. If you knowingly go out there and hurt people, you can't class yourself as a good person.'

To read more of Ava's confessions, visit her blog. 

Confessions of a Millionaire's Mistress is out now from Allen and Unwin