Monday 8 December 2014

How the other half eat: Dinner tables of the rich and poor photographed

Rich and poor: North Korean dictator King Jon-Un guzzles down on multi-course meals, deserts and Emmental cheese - known to be his favorite food yet more than a quarter of all North Korean children suffer from chronic malnutrition as a result of sparse food

Here in the U.S., one in six of the population live beneath the poverty line according to the latest Census data. Pictured (right) fine food for the wealthy and (left) cheap, unhealthy fare for the poorer population

President Bashar al-Assad and his wife are said to feast on a combination of Western and Middle Eastern delicacies (right), while Assad is 'deliberately starving thousands of people to death,' (left) says photographer Harry Hargreaves

Glutton: As for the ancient Romans, the top one per cent of this historical period are still renowned for their gloriously over-indulgent feasts (right). The everyday Roman man, on the other hand, would have been more accustomed to a diet mostly of millet (left)

Early civilisation: Ancient Egyptian rulers and monarchs would also have enjoyed a much richer variety of foods (right), whereas poor members of society had to make do with simple bread and vegetables (left)

Daily mail