Sunday 14 December 2014



And the hits just keep on coming. Two weeks into the destructive Sony hack , in which a group dubbed “Guardians of Peace” breached the company’s servers and leaked tons of private documents, ranging from social security numbers to their screeners of upcoming feature films, more information has been unearthed from the hundreds of thousands of stolen emails between Sony execs, film stars , and producers that have leaked online. The latest batch of emails unearthed by The Daily Beast concerns several of the biggest names in Hollywood, including George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Will Smith’s clan.


A lengthy email exchange between Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and Ilene Feldman, a talent manager who represents Ryan
Gosling, details the exec and star’s lovey-dovey relationship. In an email
dated October 3, 2014, Feldman wrote to Pascal: “Ryan absolutely loved you.
Said it was like speed dating because he was late after hitting every wrong gate
on the lot. Not it should turn to marriage. He really wants to do something with you.”
Pascal then forwarded the email to Michael De Luca, co-president of production for Columbia Pictures, asking what project(s) Gosling is interested in, to which De Luca replies,“It’s Ghostbusters according to Ilene.” A subsequent email from Pascal to Hannah Minghella, the other co- president of production at Columbia, about Gosling and Paul Feig’s planned all-female Ghostbusters remake says,
“There is one make [male] part paul is planning. How insane would that be…
He also wants jennifer [Lawrence] and Emma [Stone].”Another email that same day (October3) from Pascal to Feldman about re:Gosling reveals that Sony was also interested in the hunky Canadian actor for Sinister Six and their Steve Jobs
biopic, Jobs . “i wanted to talk to him about sinister and jobs,” wrote Pascal.
“you tell me what ehe [sic] is interested in.”
But while Pascal seemed very high on Gosling, she wasn’t impressed by the
behavior of Leonardo DiCaprio. An email exchange between Mark Gordon,
producer of Jobs , and Pascal from September 18, 2014, saw the two
l am basting DiCaprio over his decision to pull out of the Aaron Sorkin-penned
biopic of the late Apple co-founder.“Was this about the deal… or did he just
change his mind,” wrote Gordon. “The latter,” replied Pascal. Then, Gordon
replied with, “Horrible behavior,”which was echoed by Pascal, who responded, “Actually despicable.”

Sony execs also took shots at Willow and Jaden Smith, despite the latter’s
success for Sony with his Karate Kid remake, and his father Will Smith’s
long-standing relationship with the studio, which goes back to 1997’s Men
in Black, and also includes box office smashes like Hitch, The Pursuit of
Happyness, and Hancock. An email from Tom Rothman, head of
TriStar productions, to Pascal dated November 18, 2014, saw the exec
forwarding along a link to the Smith kids’ out-there interview with T
Magazine, along with the note: “1. Read this. 2. they r home schooled: don’t let
this family date your movies!!!”
On a more sympathetic note, a lengthy email correspondence between Pascal
and George Clooney over The Monuments Men reveals the filmmaker’s
extreme anxiety for—and lack of confidence in—the project. In an email
dated January 29, 2014, with the subject line “it’s getting worse,” Clooney wrote
to Pascal, “I need some protection from all the reviews. Let’s just make it a hit.
I haven’t slept in 30 hours. And it’s 7am.” Pascal replied, “we will protect
you by making money… that’s the best revenge.”
The following day, Clooney replied to Pascal and wrote the following: “I adore
you Amy. You are literally the only person running a studio that loves film.
I fear I’ve let you all down. Not my intention. I apologize. I’ve just lost
touch… Who knew? Sorry. I won’t do it again.”